A birth­day is the per­fect occa­sion to cel­e­brate! The Dan­ner­wirt team is hap­py to wel­come you if you are look­ing for a famil­ial loca­tion for your birth­day party.

An unforgettable celebration

A birth­day is always a great occa­sion to cel­e­brate with the fam­i­ly and loved ones. Notably for big birth­days, it’s a good idea to have a spe­cial venue out­side your home. At Dan­ner­wirt, you can cel­e­brate your birth­day cheer­ful­ly – we are hap­py to assist dur­ing the plan­ning process and cre­ate an unfor­get­table cel­e­bra­tion for your spe­cial day.

When you are book­ing our birth­day loca­tion in beau­ti­ful Upper Bavaria, you are in good hands with us: Ever since the 1950s, the Schwe­in­steiger fam­i­ly has run Dan­ner­wirt here at the heart of Flints­bach. Dur­ing the last 60 years, we have organ­ised count­less cel­e­bra­tions and made guests hap­py. Our love­ly venues offer suit­able pos­si­bil­i­ties for any taste, occa­sion and num­ber of guests. Thanks to deli­cious food, our charm­ing ser­vice team and our atten­tion to detail, we will cre­ate a fab­u­lous birth­day par­ty for you.

The small par­lour (Stüberl)
up to 20 people
up t0 40 people


The small parlour (Stüberl)

When you are look­ing for a small cosy loca­tion for your birth­day, our small par­lour (Stüberl) is the per­fect venue. With its dark wood pan­elling and the homey fur­ni­ture, this room has a won­der­ful atmos­phere for birth­day par­ties with up to 20 people.

Our lounge

The lounge is per­fect for you if you would like to cel­e­brate your birth­day with more guests. Up to 40 seats and the typ­i­cal atmos­phere of a tra­di­tion­al Bavar­i­an restau­rant are mak­ing this room so spe­cial. Of course the lounge, just like all oth­er venues, can be dec­o­rat­ed accord­ing to your wishes.

The festival room

For big­ger birth­day cel­e­bra­tions with your fam­i­ly and friends, our restau­rant and the fes­ti­val room are the right choice: Here we cater up to 90 guests who can be seat­ed at dif­fer­ent table groups in the spa­cious venue. You can decide how the room should be arranged! Of course we are hap­py to pro­vide advice in order to trans­form Dan­ner­wirt into your per­son­al birth­day location.

The parlour (Zirbenstube)

In the par­lour, which is unique­ly pan­elled and smells like aro­mat­ic Swiss pine wood, you can cel­e­brate with up to 45 peo­ple. The bright and cosy atmos­phere is espe­cial­ly per­fect for birth­day par­ties over lunch or cof­fee and cake – but you can also spend very nice evenings at the parlour.

Restau­rant & Fes­ti­val room
up to 90 people
Par­lour (Zir­ben­stube)
up to 45 people

Celebrating birthdays in style

The small par­lour (Stüberl), fes­ti­val room, lounge or par­lour (Zir­ben­stube): Our Dan­ner­wirt offers the right loca­tion and suit­able pack­age for any cel­e­bra­tion. Food, bev­er­ages, cater­ing – we have planned and host­ed many par­ties and know what’s impor­tant. Just con­tact us and we will cre­ate an indi­vid­ual offer for you.

Geburtstage stilvoll feiern

Egal ob Stüberl, Fest­saal, Gast- oder Zir­ben­stube: Unser Dan­ner­wirt bietet für jede Feier die richtige Loca­tion mit dem passenden Gesamt­paket. Speisen, Getränke, Bewirtung – wir haben schon etliche Feiern geplant und aus­gerichtet und wis­sen, auf was es ankommt. Kon­tak­tieren Sie uns ein­fach und wir erstellen Ihnen ein indi­vidu­elles Angebot.

Request your birthday location

Now more than ever…

Dear guests,
on November 13th we restarted our

Friday evenings, Saturday/Sunday at noon & night high quality as usual/in recyclable organic dishes!
Please pre-order in time:
via phone: +49 8034/90600
via Whatsapp: +49 160/6935340

Unfortunately, we are not allowed to accommodate tourists.
Overnight stays for business travellers are possible anytime!
Please book via e-mail!