Bap­tism, first com­mu­nion, wed­dings or a birth­day: There are many occa­sions to cel­e­brate with the entire fam­i­ly. For small or big par­ties – we are hap­py to wel­come you and your loved ones!

Unforgettable family celebrations

Dannerwirt: a place for your family celebration in Bavaria

Home is where the fam­i­ly is. Sur­round­ed by our loved ones, we feel at ease – this goes for the Schwe­in­steiger fam­i­ly at Dan­ner­wirt as well. Ever since the 19050s, we run the beau­ti­ful hotel in the Inn Val­ley togeth­er, which is the per­fect loca­tion for fam­i­ly cel­e­bra­tions. Bap­tisms, wed­dings, birth­days or anniver­saries: all occa­sions for a fam­i­ly to come togeth­er can be cel­e­brat­ed exten­sive­ly at Dannerwirt.

The small par­lour (Stüberl)
up to 20 people


Celebrating with your loved ones

Whether you would like to host a small par­ty or a big cel­e­bra­tion with the entire fam­i­ly – we are hap­py to wel­come you at Dan­ner­wirt. Our venues are tra­di­tion­al, lov­ing­ly fur­nished with a lot of nat­ur­al wood and offer a cosy loca­tion for you and your guests.

The small parlour (Stüberl)

Our cosy small par­lour is per­fect for fam­i­ly cel­e­bra­tions. Bap­tisms, birth­days or oth­er fes­tiv­i­ties can be cel­e­brat­ed here with up to 20 people.

Our lounge

Our lounge is the heart of the restau­rant and offers space for up to 40 peo­ple. It is per­fect for big­ger fam­i­ly cel­e­bra­tions. The dec­o­ra­tion and old pic­tures on the walls are cre­at­ing a spe­cial atmos­phere, show­ing the his­to­ry of Flints­bach vil­lage and our Schwe­in­steiger family.

The festival room

For some fam­i­ly cel­e­bra­tions, the guest list can become a bit longer: big birth­days, wed­dings or wed­ding anniver­saries. The Dan­ner­wirt fes­ti­val room offers space for up to 90 peo­ple and there­fore is the per­fect place for your big fam­i­ly cel­e­bra­tion in Bavaria. Here we have enough space to cel­e­brate – and dance the night away. Musi­cal enter­tain­ment and per­for­mances, belong­ing to many birth­days and anniver­saries, can eas­i­ly take place in our fes­ti­val room.

up to 40 people
Restau­rant & Fes­ti­val room
up to 90 people

Our Parlour (Zirbenstube)

Our par­lour (Zir­ben­stube) can also be rent­ed for a fam­i­ly cel­e­bra­tion. The bright room still smells like aro­mat­ic Swiss pine wood after 40 years and is the per­fect loca­tion for dif­fer­ent cel­e­bra­tions. Up to 45 guests can par­ty togeth­er here. Once you and your guests have tak­en your seats sur­round­ed by beau­ti­ful wood-pan­elled walls, you won’t want to get up any­more. What­ev­er your plans are – we are hap­py to design an indi­vid­ual offer for you and take care of the cater­ing, bev­er­ages and dec­o­ra­tion, mak­ing sure you can enjoy your cel­e­bra­tion ful­ly relaxed.

Unsere Zirbenstube

Auch die Zir­ben­stube kön­nen Sie als Loca­tion für Ihre Fam­i­lien­feier mieten. Die helle Stube, die nach über 40 Jahren noch immer her­rlich nach Zir­ben­holz duftet, bietet für ver­schiedene Feier­lichkeit­en einen schö­nen Rah­men. Bis zu 45 Gäste kön­nen in der Zir­ben­stube zusam­men feiern. Haben Sie und Ihre Gäste, umgeben von den schö­nen holzgetäfel­ten Wän­den, erst ein­mal Platz genom­men, dann wollen Sie am lieb­sten gar nicht wieder auf­ste­hen. Egal, welche Fam­i­lien­feier hier aus­gerichtet wer­den soll – wir erstellen Ihnen gerne ein indi­vidu­elles Ange­bot und küm­mern uns um Essen, Getränke und Deko­ra­tion, damit Sie ganz entspan­nt Ihre Feier genießen können. 

Request family celebration

Now more than ever…

Dear guests,
on November 13th we restarted our

Friday evenings, Saturday/Sunday at noon & night high quality as usual/in recyclable organic dishes!
Please pre-order in time:
via phone: +49 8034/90600
via Whatsapp: +49 160/6935340

Unfortunately, we are not allowed to accommodate tourists.
Overnight stays for business travellers are possible anytime!
Please book via e-mail!