Our Dan­ner­wirt will wel­come you with lov­ing­ly fur­nished rooms, com­fort­able beds and a big dose of cosi­ness sur­round­ed by the beau­ti­ful nature of the Inn Val­ley at the edge of the Chiem­gau region. You will love being a guest in this place!

A feel-good place for you

Cosi­ness and well­be­ing sur­round­ed by the won­der­ful nature of the Wen­del­stein region – this is how hol­i­days in Bavaria should be like. In our hotel near the Chiem­gau area, you will be accom­mo­dat­ed in lov­ing­ly fur­nished sin­gle or dou­ble rooms which part­ly fea­ture a beau­ti­ful bal­cony with a view on Mount Wen­del­stein or the Kaiser Moun­tains. You may also choose one of our bright and mod­ern dou­ble rooms on the “Kaiserblick” floor. It has been com­plete­ly ren­o­vat­ed in 2016, fea­tures a pleas­ant mix of tra­di­tion­al and mod­ern vibes as well as a mag­nif­i­cent view of the Kaiser Moun­tains. Some of the rooms have a bal­cony, where you can let your gaze wan­der over the moun­tains just in front of our door.

When you are trav­el­ling as a fam­i­ly, our fam­i­ly room “Kaiserblick” is wait­ing for you. Two sep­a­rate bed­rooms with big box-spring beds offer enough space for your fam­i­ly vaca­tion. In some of the oth­er rooms, we can also arrange com­fort­able extend­able couch­es for chil­dren. Our spe­cial suite “Valentin” is per­fect for every­one who appre­ci­ates more gen­er­ous spaces. It fea­tures sep­a­rate liv­ing and sleep­ing areas, a canopy bed and a large bath­room includ­ing a bath­tub – the per­fect place for a longer stay in our hotel near the Chiem­gau region. Just have a clos­er look on our rooms!

Single room “Wendelstein”


Suite “Valentin”


Double room “Wendelstein”


Family room “Kaiserblick”



Are you look­ing for a fam­i­ly-friend­ly hotel close to the Chiem­gau region or an accom­mo­da­tion for your jour­ney to the south? Dan­ner­wirt, the hotel in the Inn Val­ley is hap­py to wel­come you! Our fam­i­ly-run house is locat­ed close to the A93 auto­bahn, in a pic­turesque envi­ron­ment at the heart of the beau­ti­ful Inn Val­ley. 27 lov­ing­ly fur­nished rooms in close prox­im­i­ty to Aus­tria are wait­ing for you, along­side warm hos­pi­tal­i­ty and region­al cui­sine fea­tur­ing dif­fer­ent Bavar­i­an delicacies.

Dan­ner­wirt is locat­ed only a few kilo­me­tres behind Bran­nen­burg auto­bahn exit in the Upper Bavar­i­an vil­lage Flints­bach, near Rosen­heim and Kuf­stein. Our hotel is close to the A93 auto­bahn, but sit­u­at­ed peace­ful­ly and sur­round­ed by forests, moun­tains, mead­ows and lakes. No won­der peo­ple claim that Bavaria is most beau­ti­ful here. The Chiem­gau region and the area around our hotel, fea­tur­ing Mount Wen­del­stein right out­side the door as well as Lake Chiem­see around the cor­ner, is just per­fect for a time­out in the coun­try­side. You may get rest while golf­ing, bik­ing or hik­ing, ski­ing or moun­tain climb­ing in the Kaiser Moun­tains or on Mount Wen­del­stein. Thanks to the calm loca­tion of our hotel, you can breathe deeply for one night dur­ing long trav­els, enjoy the beau­ti­ful nature and dri­ve on com­plete­ly relaxed the next morning.

Mount Wendelstein
and the Kaiser Mountains

The moun­tains around Dan­ner­wirt are one of the most beau­ti­ful des­ti­na­tions in the Chiem­gau region which you can reach from our hotel. Out­door enthu­si­asts are greet­ed by bloom­ing mead­ows and steep cliffs, and can enjoy var­i­ous hik­ing trails up to the moun­tain peaks where they are reward­ed with breath-tak­ing panoram­ic views. Mount Wen­del­stein, Wilder Kaiser or Zah­mer Kaiser: a vis­it in the moun­tains is an adven­ture for everyone!

Der Wendelstein und
das Kaisergebirge

Die Berge rund um den Dan­ner­wirt sind mit Sicher­heit die schön­sten Aus­flugsziele im Chiem­gau, die Sie von unserem Hotel aus erre­ichen kön­nen. Natur- und Wan­der­begeis­terte find­en inmit­ten von blühen­den Almwiesen und steilen Fel­swän­den zahlre­iche Sport- und Wan­der­wege bis ganz hin­auf zu den Gipfeln, die oben angekom­men mit einem atem­ber­auben­den Panoram­ablick belohnen. Ob Wen­del­stein, Wilder Kaiser oder Zah­mer Kaiser: ein Besuch in den Bergen ist ein Aben­teuer für jedermann!


As a guest at Dan­ner­wirt restau­rant – and the gar­den dur­ing sum­mer time – you can enjoy all del­i­ca­cies of our region. We are care­ful­ly select­ing all prod­ucts, mak­ing sure to serve the best qual­i­ty which you can actu­al­ly taste. Most of the del­i­ca­cies we serve orig­i­nate from our imme­di­ate sur­round­ings. The trouts and chars, for exam­ple, come from neigh­bour­ing vil­lage Bran­nen­burg and our meat is from Palm­berg­er butcher’s shop in Rosen­heim. By the way: many of our guests claim our Schnitzel to be the best in the entire Inn Valley!


The din­ing room rep­re­sents the heart of our Dan­ner­wirt restau­rant and is wood-pan­elled with Swiss pine, whose aro­mat­ic scent you can still smell after 40 years. Here is where our guests enjoy their break­fast every morn­ing: Fresh­ly brewed cof­fee from Din­zler cof­fee roast­ery, crispy bread rolls and pret­zels, Bavar­i­an char­cu­terie and cheese spe­cial­ties, and our egg dish­es which we pre­pare exact­ly how you like them. This break­fast is the per­fect start for your adven­tur­ous day in the mountains!


Any more questions?

Important facts about our Inn Valley hotel:

Now more than ever…

Dear guests,
on November 13th we restarted our

Friday evenings, Saturday/Sunday at noon & night high quality as usual/in recyclable organic dishes!
Please pre-order in time:
via phone: +49 8034/90600
via Whatsapp: +49 160/6935340

Unfortunately, we are not allowed to accommodate tourists.
Overnight stays for business travellers are possible anytime!
Please book via e-mail!