Sights & Excursions
The Chiem­gau region and the Inn Val­ley – two of the most beau­ti­ful regions in Bavaria. Lake Chiem­see, the Wen­del­stein and Kaiser Moun­tains, and the won­der­ful nature around Flints­bach have a lot to discover.

Oh beautiful Bavaria

Typ­i­cal­ly Bavar­i­an, with untouched nature, calm and yet diver­si­fied – the area around Dan­ner­wirt, the Inn Valey and the region Lake Chiem­see-Chiem­gau is right­ly called the most beau­ti­ful spot in Upper Bavaria by many people.

Mead­ows, moun­tain rail­ways and of course Lake Chiem­see, the third largest inland water after Lake Con­stance and Lake Müritz, are mak­ing this region so spe­cial. The Inn Val­ley and the Chiem­gau region, their sights and des­ti­na­tions have much to offer for their vis­i­tors. Ski­ing, hik­ing, bik­ing or golf­ing – every­one will find some­thing here.



Dan­ner­wirt is the ide­al start­ing point to the most beau­ti­ful places of the Chiem­gau region. There are many dif­fer­ent des­ti­na­tions. You can spend a beach day at Lake Chiem­see and vis­it Her­renchiem­see Cas­tle: often called the “Bavar­i­an Ver­sailles”, it is locat­ed on Her­renin­sel Island in the lake and has been built in 1873 based on the mod­el of the famous French palace. In close prox­im­i­ty of the cas­tle, you can find the Frauenchiem­see Con­vent – the old­est Ger­man nun­nery wel­comes vis­i­tors with calm and con­scious­ness, the small con­vent shop offers culi­nary delights.


Excursions from Flintsbach

Of course you can also start relaxed day trips in the Inn Val­ley direct­ly in Flints­bach. The park­ing lot for hik­ers is close to Dan­ner­wirt and a good start­ing point for excur­sions to the moun­tains Peters­berg and Hohe Asten, which you can reach quick­ly from our Dan­ner­wirt. A love­ly inter­me­di­ate stop: the Asten­hof farms. They are Germany’s high­est locat­ed farms which are run all year round. The hike up to Hohe Asten takes about 3 hours and is also suit­able for fam­i­lies. If you aim high: the hik­ing trail to Mount Peters­berg leads from Flints­bach past large stone columns with medal pic­tures, the so-called Apos­tle Sta­tions. After around 3 kilo­me­tres, you reach the des­ti­na­tion and will be reward­ed for your ascent by a won­der­ful view over the Inn Valley.


Discover the environment

Hik­ing at Mount Wen­del­stein or in the Kaiser Moun­tains –nature lovers and sport enthu­si­asts shouldn’t miss out on this expe­ri­ence. Those who pre­fer bik­ing can hire bikes at the tourist office in neigh­bour­ing Bran­nen­burg. For expe­ri­enced bik­ers, the Inn Val­ley cycle track is very appeal­ing: the route runs close to rivers, more than 520 kilo­me­tres through Ger­many, Aus­tria and Switzer­land. And every­one who likes to take their time can take the rack rail­way up to Mount Wen­del­stein – the val­ley sta­tion is also locat­ed in Bran­nen­burg. When you are a guest at Dan­ner­wirt, our hotel is the per­fect start­ing point for excur­sions in the Inn Val­ley and the Chiem­gau region.

Die Umgebung entdecken

Wan­dern am Wen­del­stein oder im Kaiserge­birge – ein Erleb­nis, das sich Naturfre­unde und Sport­begeis­terte nicht ent­ge­hen lassen dür­fen. Wer lieber Fahrrad fährt, der kann im Verkehrsamt im benach­barten Bran­nen­burg Fahrräder lei­hen. Für erprobte Rad­fahrer ist beson­ders der Inntal-Rad­weg reizvoll: Die Strecke ver­läuft meis­tens flussnah und führt über 520 Kilo­me­ter durch Deutsch­land, Öster­re­ich und die Schweiz. Und wer es ganz gemütlich ange­hen lassen möchte, der fährt mit der Zah­n­rad­bahn auf den Wen­del­stein hin­auf – die Tal­sta­tion befind­et sich eben­falls in Bran­nen­burg. Sind Sie beim Dan­ner­wirt Gast, ist unser Hotel ein ide­al­er Aus­gangspunkt, um ins Inntal oder in den Chiem­gau zu Aus­flü­gen aufzubrechen.


Dur­ing the win­ter months, our region has also much to offer: the Chiem­gau area is a diverse win­ter sport region fea­tur­ing ski runs suit­able for begin­ners and pro­fes­sion­als. The ski­ing par­adise Sudelfeld can be reached from Dan­ner­wirt in 30 min­utes and is per­fect for fam­i­lies and occa­sion­al skiers thanks to its var­i­ous ski slopes. The diver­si­fied tracks and the won­der­ful panora­ma of the entire region are also appeal­ing for cross-coun­try skiers. Oth­er ski­ing regions close to Dan­ner­wirt are of course Mount Wen­del­stein and the area of Ober­au­dorf-Hocheck. More­over, large ski regions behind the Aus­tri­an fron­tier in Tirol can be reached con­ve­nient­ly from our house.

Golfers will also spend a won­der­ful time dur­ing the warmer months: golf cours­es fea­tur­ing views on the Chiem­gau Alps, chal­leng­ing 18-hole cours­es any golfer will love and the right zones for begin­ners: the Chiem­see-Chiem­gau golf­ing region offers excel­lent cours­es for all players.


Twice a year, in July and Decem­ber, the famous Erl Fes­ti­val takes place in Tirol and attracts thou­sands of vis­i­tors in the small Aus­tri­an vil­lage Erl. The Tirol Fes­ti­val presents pro­duc­tions of famous operas and piano con­certs – from Richard Wag­n­er to Ver­di, Bach and Beethoven. From Dan­ner­wirt, you can reach Erl with­in a few min­utes by car.

Now more than ever…

Dear guests,
on November 13th we restarted our

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