Our Bavar­i­an restaurant
Tra­di­tion­al Bavar­i­an pub cul­ture: typ­i­cal region­al cui­sine, a fresh­ly tapped beer and con­vivial get-togeth­ers. Could there be any­thing better?
Our Bavar­i­an restaurant
Tra­di­tion­al Bavar­i­an pub cul­ture: typ­i­cal region­al cui­sine, a fresh­ly tapped beer and con­vivial get-togeth­ers. Could there be any­thing better?

Bavarian comfort

Good times at Dannerwirt

Our Dan­ner­wirt restau­rant is deeply root­ed in the region around Flints­bach. The old­est walls have been stand­ing here for more than 100 years, and the his­to­ry of the build­ing dates even back to 1579. Tra­di­tion­al­ly, a Bavar­i­an restau­rant is the most impor­tant place of a vil­lage, along­side the church and school, and has always been a place of com­fort and con­vivi­al­i­ty where the entire vil­lage enjoys com­ing togeth­er. We want to pre­serve this tra­di­tion. On the menu of our Flints­bach restau­rant, you can find many clas­sics of the Bavar­i­an cui­sine, prefer­ably made from native ingre­di­ents and prod­ucts of local makers.



Our long tra­di­tion, the best ingre­di­ents and pas­sion for good food – those three things are mak­ing our Flints­bach restau­rant so spe­cial. Dan­ner­wirt and its restau­rant are already known in the entire Chiem­gau region – with good rea­son. Here we serve what Upper Bavaria has to offer: culi­nary delights, braised meat, fresh­ly caught fish from local waters or just a snack with fresh­ly tapped beer in the restau­rant garden.

Delicacies from the neighbourhood

The Inn Val­ley has not only a beau­ti­ful land­scape, but also many culi­nary high­lights. The trouts and chars for our restau­rant, for exam­ple, come from Bran­nen­burg, only a few kilo­me­tres from our Dan­ner­wirt restau­rant. The favourite dish of many of our guests is the Wiener Schnitzel, which some call the best of the entire Inn Val­ley. Ten­der meat, crispy roast­ed in but­ter and served with pars­ley pota­toes and a mixed sal­ad. Come by and con­vince your­self! We are adapt­ing the menu to the sea­son almost every day in order to offer you the best prod­ucts pos­si­ble. The char­cu­terie spe­cial­ties from Palm­berg­er butcher’s shop in Rosen­heim, vine from the E. Maria Ger­hardt vine­yard in Rhine-Hesse, beer from Auer­bräu brew­ery or the cof­fee from Din­zler cof­fee roast­ery — we care­ful­ly select the ingre­di­ents and pro­duc­ers for our Flints­bach restau­rant and have been work­ing with our trust­ful part­ners for many years.

Schmankerl direkt aus der Nachbarschaft

Das Inntal ist nicht nur land­schaftlich wunderschön, son­dern hat auch kuli­nar­isch eine Menge zu bieten. So stam­men die Bach­forellen und Saib­linge für unser Restau­rant aus Bran­nen­burg, wenige Kilo­me­ter vom Gasthof Dan­ner­wirt ent­fer­nt. Das Lieblingsessen viel­er unser­er Gäste ist das Wiener Schnitzel, das von eini­gen sog­ar als das Beste im Inntal beze­ich­net wird. Hauchdünn gek­lopft, knus­prig in schäumendem But­ter­schmalz gebrat­en und mit Peter­silienkartof­feln und bun­tem Salat serviert. Kom­men Sie vor­bei und überzeugen Sie sich selb­st! Wir passen unsere Speisekarte fast täglich an die saisonalen Gegeben­heit­en an, um Ihnen die bestmöglichen Pro­duk­te anbi­eten zu können. Seien es die Fleisch- und Wurst­spezial­itäten der Met­zgerei Palm­berg­er aus Rosen­heim, der Wein vom Weingut E. Maria Ger­hardt in Rhein­hessen oder das Bier von der Brauerei Auer­bräu sowie der Kaf­fee von der Kaf­feerösterei Din­zler – wir wählen die Zutat­en unser­er Speisen und Liefer­an­ten für unser Restau­rant in Flints­bach sorgfältig aus und arbeit­en seit vie­len Jahren ver­trauensvoll mit ihnen zusammen.



It just belongs to a Bavar­i­an restau­rant: the par­lour. As overnight guest, you will enjoy your break­fast in the invit­ing wood-pan­elled par­lour every morn­ing. Fresh­ly brewed cof­fee from Din­zler roast­ery, crispy bread rolls and pret­zels, Bavar­i­an char­cu­terie and cheese spe­cial­ties and our deli­cious egg dish­es will pre­pare you for an excit­ing day in the moun­tains or at Lake Chiem­see. The Dan­ner­wirt par­lour can also be rent­ed for cel­e­bra­tions, includ­ing dec­o­ra­tions and ser­vices accord­ing to your wish­es. By the way: after 40 years, the room still emits the pleas­ant scent of aro­mat­ic Swiss pine wood.


Espe­cial­ly dur­ing the warmer months, our restau­rant gar­den is a place in Flints­bach where peo­ple like to spend time. Here you can mar­vel the won­der­ful view on Mount Wen­del­stein (1838 m) on the one side and on the Flints­bach baroque church on the oth­er side, while chat­ting and enjoy­ing a cold beer or a hearty meal. If you like to savour the last sun­beams of the day, this is the per­fect place. In nice weath­er, our Dan­ner­wirt restau­rant team serves culi­nary delights of the Bavar­i­an cui­sine until 21:00 PM every evening. Just come by and enjoy – we will do the rest. 


Your place at Dannerwirt restaurant

Book a table at the restaurant!

Now more than ever…

Dear guests,
on November 13th we restarted our

Friday evenings, Saturday/Sunday at noon & night high quality as usual/in recyclable organic dishes!
Please pre-order in time:
via phone: +49 8034/90600
via Whatsapp: +49 160/6935340

Unfortunately, we are not allowed to accommodate tourists.
Overnight stays for business travellers are possible anytime!
Please book via e-mail!