Arriving and feeling well

They still exist – those places which make the guest feel home. Our Dan­ner­wirt in Flints­bach can look back on decades of pub his­to­ry and joins the present with unique Bavar­i­an tra­di­tion. 27 cosy rooms, a beau­ti­ful view on Mount Wen­del­stein and the region­al Bavar­i­an cui­sine make our hotel a feel-good hol­i­day resort in Flints­bach near Lake Chiemsee.


Where you can feel authentic Bavaria

The old­est walls of Dan­ner­wirt in Flints­bach date from 1905, while the his­to­ry of the build­ing orig­i­nates all the way back to 1579. Since the 1950s and already in the 4th gen­er­a­tion, the Schwe­in­steiger fam­i­ly runs Dan­ner­wirt, the live­ly Flints­bach cen­tre. Peo­ple have always come togeth­er in the cosy restau­rant for a hearty meal or, dur­ing sum­mer, in the idyl­lic gar­den for a fresh­ly tapped beer of Auer­bräu tra­di­tion­al brew­ery from Rosenheim.


And the Chiemgau area outside the door

Here you can expe­ri­ence recre­ation in the mid­dle of moun­tains, peaks, mead­ows and lakes. Tours to Lake Chiem­see, hikes to our local moun­tains or the Kaiser Moun­tains, a vis­it to Flints­bach com­mu­ni­ty the­atre, the Erl Fes­ti­val or as accom­mo­da­tion when trav­el­ling through to the south – our coun­try inn in Upper Bavaria is the per­fect place for all tourists and trav­ellers who appre­ci­ate cosi­ness and qual­i­ty. Book your stay at Dan­ner­wirt in Flints­bach today and enjoy the real Bavaria.

Cosy times in our rooms

For overnight stays at Dan­ner­wirt, our guests have dif­fer­ent room cat­e­gories to choose from: Clas­sic rooms as sin­gle or dou­ble room and Com­fort rooms, which you can also book as fam­i­ly rooms for up to 5 peo­ple. The “Kaiserblick” floor has been com­plete­ly ren­o­vat­ed in 2016. Its morn­ing view from the win­dow out to the peak of Mount Zah­mer Kaiser is just impres­sive and guar­an­tees an ener­getic start of the day. A tru­ly unfor­get­table view!

Double room “Kaiserblick”


Suite “Valentin”


A Bavarian tradition…

Dan­ner­wirt has always been the vil­lage tav­ern in the cen­tre of Flints­bach, direct­ly oppo­site the impres­sive baroque church St. Mar­tin, the rec­to­ry and pri­ma­ry school – just like it used to be tra­di­tion in Bavaria. We want to pre­serve this pre­cious cul­ture and share it with our guests from near and far. Our Dan­ner­wirt is a social venue where you can expe­ri­ence Bavar­i­an cosi­ness, con­vivi­al­i­ty and cen­turies-old tra­di­tion of pub cul­ture while enjoy­ing a sip of beer or wine along­side region­al dishes.

Eine bayerische Tradition…

Der Dan­ner­wirt ist seit jeher das Dor­fwirtshaus mit­ten im Ortskern von Flints­bach, direkt gegenüber der imposan­ten Barock­kirche St. Mar­tin, dem Pfar­rhaus und der Grund­schule – ganz so, wie es früher in Bay­ern der Brauch war. Diese wertvolle Kul­tur möcht­en wir erhal­ten und unsere Gäste von nah und fern daran teil­haben lassen. Unser Dan­ner­wirt ist ein gesel­liger Tre­ff­punkt, bei dem man bei einem Schluck Bier oder Wein und regionalen Speisen die bay­erische Gemütlichkeit, Gesel­ligkeit und jahrhun­dertealte Tra­di­tion der Wirtshauskul­tur erlebt.



Our regional Bavarian cuisine

At Dan­ner­wirt in Flints­bach you can find the best Schnitzel of the Inn Val­ley – this is what we hear from our guests all the time. More­over, trouts and chars from local waters, ten­der Tafel­spitz, deli­cious calf’s liv­er and roast pork from Palm­berg­er butcher’s shop in Rosen­heim com­ple­ment the clas­si­cal Bavar­i­an cui­sine at Dan­ner­wirt. Every­thing Upper Bavaria has to offer is served here and cook­ing with region­al prod­ucts and love for the Wen­del­stein area is very impor­tant to us. Our cor­dial ser­vice ladies are hap­py to take care of you and help out with any­thing you may need.


We are looking forward to welcome you!

Flints­bach is locat­ed in the beau­ti­ful Inn Val­ley between Rosen­heim and Kuf­stein, and can be reached by car from Munich with­in one hour via the A93 auto­bahn (exit Bran­nen­burg). Trav­el­ling to our hotel by train is also very con­ve­nient: start­ing at Munich main sta­tion, trains depart every hour in the direc­tion of Kufstein.

On the way, you will be dri­ving through one of the most beau­ti­ful Bavar­i­an land­scapes, pass­ing lakes, bloom­ing mead­ows and snow-cov­ered moun­tain peaks.

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Now more than ever…

Dear guests,
on November 13th we restarted our

Friday evenings, Saturday/Sunday at noon & night high quality as usual/in recyclable organic dishes!
Please pre-order in time:
via phone: +49 8034/90600
via Whatsapp: +49 160/6935340

Unfortunately, we are not allowed to accommodate tourists.
Overnight stays for business travellers are possible anytime!
Please book via e-mail!